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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sharepoint Lemonade

Yeah, yeah, I'm blogging again - I took a little break....sorry.

Personally, I am not too impressed with Sharepoint, but companies seem to love it - one of them mine. :(

So I suppose I should learn enough to know what I am talking about when it comes to Sharepoint. I suggest you do the same. Lemonade out of lemons.....

Good news is Microsoft has a webcast series on SharePoint 2010!!!!  I love it when they post these series webcasts. 8 hours of free training.

Part 1 of 8 - What's new for developers

Part 2 of 8 - Developing Rich Solutions in Silverlight

Part 3 of 8 - Customizing Search Results

Part 4 of 8 - Building Business Applications with Silverlight 4 and SharePoint 2010

Part 5 of 8 - Developing for SharePoint 2010 on Windows 7

Part 6 of 8 - Developing with the New User Interface Features in SharePoint 2010

Part 7 of 8 - Developing with SharePoint 2010 Sandboxed Solutions

Part 8 of 8 - Developing with Data Technologies in SharePoint 2010



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